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The Neuromarketing
Fundamentals 🇬🇧

  • Wat is neuromarketing écht?

  • Wat kan je met breindata?

  • Welke neuro insights kan je direct toepassen?

Direct toepasbaar

Geen theorie of Latijnse terminologie, maar 100% focus op direct bruikbare inzichten

9 Online Lessen

In 9 lessen – elk van TED talk lengte (20 min) – bijten we ons vast in alles: van waarom en hoe, tot praktische brain insights.

Leer wat echt telt

Honderden studies, boeken en interne onderzoeken – teruggebracht tot wat je écht moet weten over neuromarketing

350+ Cursisten gingen je al voor 👇

Een woord van de trainer

Na het afronden van mijn opleiding Economic & Consumer Psychology voelde het alsof ik wat miste. De basis over consumentengedrag was gelegd, maar hoe werkte neuromarketing nu echt? Wat heb je nodig om een kijkje in het brein te nemen? Hoe vertaal je hersengolven naar praktische inzichten?

Nu, bijna 10 jaar later, mogen we met ons bedrijf Unravel neuro-onderzoek doen voor mooie merken als Heineken, Nutricia en Jumbo.

Al die kennis en ervaring hebben we vertaald naar deze training. Dit is alles wat ik had willen weten op de eerste dag van mijn eigen carrière in neuromarketing.

Met hartelijke groet,
Tim Zuidgeest

Nu: 7 dagen Gratis toegang

Begin direct. Geen creditcard nodig.

Overzicht lessen

  • # 1

    What is neuromarketing?

    First the basics. What is neuromarketing, and why is it important?
    Do people say what they do? And do they do what they say?

    Preview the first lesson

    You can watch this first lesson for free!
    If this got you interested in the other lessons, click the button below to order a subscription!

  • # 2

    The Intuitive vs. the Rational Mind

    Learn everything about our two minds. Persuade yourself by seeing how we can trick ourselves. And understand what implications this has for marketing research.

  • # 3

    The Fundamentals of neuromarketing research

    What tools can you use to look inside the mind? How do those outputs look like? Learn how you can actually predict sales with these techniques. And why focus groups are the biggest sin in market research.

  • # 4

    Subconscious e-commerce

    Let’s get practical. Learn what neuro usability is and when you should apply it. We’ll conclude with the 5 key insights we’ve learned from all our research.

  • # 5

    Brick and mortar behaviour

    Take a look inside in-store neuromarketing research. Learn how researchers achieved a 36% increase in sales by looking at the brain. And dive into the 5 key insights from what we’ve learned from our own research.

  • # 6

    Packaging Psychology

    Did you know that a mistake in packaging design cost a popular brand almost 6 million euros in sales? Learn how you can avoid that by applying what you’ll learn in this lesson. We’ll also take a deep dive in our own ground breaking study where we predicted in-store sales based purely on packaging design. Of course we’ll end this lesson with the 5 most important insights.

  • # 7

    Persuasive TV advertising

    Learn what percentage of TV commercials actually decrease sales, and how you can prevent that from happening. We’ll take a closer look at the PepsiCo Bubly case. And we’ll finish with the 5 brain insights we see over and over again in our neuro data.

  • # 8

    Psychological pricing

    In pricing, everything seems to be relative. How then can you measure the optimal price point? Or the best price communication? We’ll cover everything you need to know in this lesson. The 5 practical insights are filled with tips you can apply right away to increase your effectiveness in consumer sales.

  • # 9

    Branding psychology

    Most people have a wrong idea about branding is. In theory, it’s simple. In practice we’ll have to learn about memory, brand assets and how you can measure them. The last 5 insights of this course will tell you everything you need to know to get the basics of branding right.

  • Bonus

    Case study Fanta commercial

    Let’s get practical. How does a typical commercial study look like? In this case study we’re going to analyse a TVC from Fanta.

Meer dan 96% van de cursisten raadt onze trainingen aan

Ook deze training volgen?

10 jaar kennis en ervaring, een flinke stapel boeken en papers samengevat in een training van 9 lessen van TED-talk lengte (+/- 20 min). 

Dit is alles wat ik wilde weten toen ik begon in de wondere wereld van neuromarketing. 

Ga je voor de 7 dagen gratis? Of pak je levenslang toegang én de extra’s die je daarbij krijgt?

The Neuromarketing Fundamentals Cursus

€ 97

  • Levenslang onbeperkte toegang
  • Alle fundamental lessen
  • Alle quizzen
  • Cerfiticaat
  • Samenvatting alle lessen
  • Bonus: Case study Neuromarketing & Reclame
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